Martín & Tito

During 2020, the infamous year of the pandemic, I began a new musical collaboration with my long-time friend and colleague, Jorge Ivan "Tito" Duarte. Tito is not only a musician living in NYC, he is also a certified music therapist and an actor and puppeteer. Interestingly, both Tito and I grew up acting in TV shows in Colombia. Tito was a prodigy actor, I had connections! :)

Years later, we crossed paths again in college, and a couple of decades later, we reconnected in New York. I am proud to collaborate with my dear friend and gifted musician/artist. Beyond music, we share many similar experiences and memories, making this project extra special.


photo credit - Martín & Tito


Martín & Tito : Multi-instrumentalist and composer Martín Vejarano and guitarist Tito Duarte perform original compositions and arrangements inspired by South American traditions, especially from Colombia and Brazil. Playing together with a clarinet and a seven-string guitar, Martín & Tito present an elaborate and festive repertoire suitable for various musical preferences. 


PRYANIKI By Martin Vejarano

 Many years ago I went to visit my dear friend Anna Azaryeva to her native Saint Petersburg, Russia. Besides all the amazing experiences and people I met, one little cookie caught my attention; Pryaniki, the Russian biscuit! Me being a cookie monster all my life (currently trying to avoid eating them as much) fell in love with this ginger/cinnamon baked treat. On my way back home and with my heart and mind filled with love and sweet memories, I wrote this melodies in G minor. Today I want to dedicate it again to Anna and her young and wonderful Brazilian/Russian/New Yorker family as well as to her loving parents and sister. I originally recorded this piece with my band CHIA's Dance Party for our first album “La Miel”. We performed it at every concert and our audiences always danced to it with grace and passion. I am happy to share this new version featuring my dear friend and accomplice Tito Duarte on guitar and myself on clarinet and pandeiro. We recorded the infamous one-take-for-the-camera and also made a video of us wandering around NYC’s great Russian neighborhood, Brighton Beach Brooklyn. Then we bought some Pryaniki and went to my apartment for a tea & cookies party. For the record, the tea we drink in the video is Russian, too. Big thanks to my love and partner in life Sonia De Los Santos who operated the camera, provided art props, aesthetics advice and drove us back and forth. Martín. 

Tito Duarte - guitarra

Martín Vejarano - clarinete & pandeiro

Sonia De Los Santos - camera & art props

Martín Vejarano - audio and video

Recorded in Brighton Beach and Borough Park, Brooklyn, NY. Dedicated to my dear friend Anna Azaryeva and her loving family!



I originally wrote this fandango for my Cumbia River Band a year ago.  I made an adaptation of the original arrangement for my new project MAR-trio featuring: Clarinets, guitar and pandeiro. Again my dear friend  Tito Duarte helped me with the guitar technicalities and as always supported me on the adventure of making a one-take-for-the-camera session. We made this video to participate in the fund raising event #Uncantoporlasregiones, through which  money  was raised to help families that lost their homes after the winter floods  and for the victims of the armed conflict that took the lives of many people in Colombia during  2020.  

Tito Duarte  - guitarra  

Martín Vejarano - clarinets, pandeiro & composition.  

Video and audio recording by Martín. 

Paz para Colombia, Paz en el mundo, Toda Vida es Sagrada, Salvemos el Planeta!  

Peace in Colombia , peace in the world. Save the planet!



This is my second exercise in Brazilian music, a tribute to the wonderful and musical northern Cardinal, the red bird of North America.  

Special thanks to my friend @titoduarte who recorded and helped me develop the guitar arrangement. 

Enamorado del choro sigo buscando nuevos caminos de expresión. Este tema está dedicado al Cardenal, pájaro rojo de norte América, el cual alegra mi vida con su gracia año tras año. Gracias a mi amigo Tito Duarte por ayudarme con el arreglo de guitarra y por el apoyo de siempre. 

Video footage by Front Yard Video (youtube)


Feliz día querido Planeta Tierra!🌏 

Celebrando la primavera con este pequeño homenaje para el Turdus Migratorius, mejor conocido como el American Robin. Bello pájaro símbolo de la primavera. Alegria! Earth Day is Everyday! Everyday is Earth Day!🌏 Today I want to celebrate Spring 2020 with my humble homage to the Turdus Migratorius a.k.a the American Robin. I added some videos taken from the Internet so you get to check their wonderful blue eggs laying on their nest and meet this sweet bird. ROBINHO - Bico Amarelo.

Martin Vejarano - Clarinet & pandeiro

Tito Duarte - Guitar arrangement

Bird videos courtesy of Lesley The Bird Nerd. @lesleythebirdnerd